welcomes to the blog. The Nyonya is sharing recipes, poems, short stories,sketches, and words of wisdom here. comments and feedbacks are welcomed.
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 20 Maret 2011
Quotes Of The Day
"You have to be smart,
but you should never miss the fun
& the good things in your life"
"Be beautiful, be useful, and be grateful"
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
Diary of A Housewife
Hi, they call me Nyonya. The post before is my fav recipe and I would like to share it to everybody.
You can make it ,try it, cause it's so simple & yummy, especially if you like to eat 'Nyonya kue'.
And next I will share my sketches so you can use it for yr references to make dress of yr own.
Me, The Nyonya, hv so many hobbies so you all can follow my diary to find out more.
You can make it ,try it, cause it's so simple & yummy, especially if you like to eat 'Nyonya kue'.
And next I will share my sketches so you can use it for yr references to make dress of yr own.
Me, The Nyonya, hv so many hobbies so you all can follow my diary to find out more.
Here is for today's wisdom words :
- quoted from Master Cheng Yen
The Nyonya
Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011
Kue Moho
image photographed by: Cindy Suryautama/csuryautama
Kue Moho biasa digunakan sebagai persembahan pada hari-hari sembahyang atau pada perayaan tertentu seperti Imlek, che it, dan cap goh.
Bahan dan Cara Membuat:
1. Ragi saf instan 1 bks
2. Air hangat 100 cc
3. Tepung terigu 50 gr
- campurkan bahan 1, 2, dan 3 jadi satu dan aduk rata, biarkan 20 menit -
4. Ubi merah 400 gr ( kukus, haluskan)
5. Telur ayam 2 butir
- aduk jadi satu bahan 4 dan 5 -
6. Santan kental 300 gr
7. Gula pasir 350 gr
- aduk bahan 6 dan 7 sampai gulanya larut -
- bahan no 1-7 semua di-blender
8. Tepung terigu cap segitiga biru 400 gr di-ayak
- bahan 8 dicampur dengan adonan yang sudah di-blender tsb, lalu aduk sampai halus -
9. Didihkan air dalam kukusan
10. Biarkan adonan sampai 3 jam sampai kembang
11. Setelah air kukusan mendidih, tuang adonan dalam cetakan mangkuk
12. Kukus selama 15 menit untuk mangkuk cetakan kecil.
Kukus selama 45 menit untuk mangkuk cetakan besar.
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